
Going Out of Print

Going Out of Print

For serious readers, products like Amazon's Kindle 2, Barnes and Noble's Nook, and Sony's Daily Edition are a godsend. It's not just that these electronic reading devices are handy portals to hundreds of thousands of trade books, textbooks, public-domain works, and best-sellers, all of which can be wirelessly downloaded at a moment's notice, and to scores of magazines and newspapers, which show up on subscribers' devices automatically. They're also giving adventurous authors and publishers new ways to organize and market their creations. A California startup called Vook, for example, has begun to package cookbooks, workout manuals, and even novels with illustrative video clips, and it's selling these hybrids of video and text to iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch owners through Apple's iTunes Store.

Unfortunately, you can't get away with charging hardcover prices for an e-book, which makes it hard to see how traditional publishers will profit in a future that's largely digital. As a result, book publishers are facing a painful and tumultuous time as they attempt to adapt to the emerging e-book technologies. The Kindle, the iPad, and their ilk will force upon print-centric publishers what the Internet, file sharing, and the iPod forced upon the CD-centric music conglomerates starting around 1999--namely, waves of cost cutting and a search for new business models.

Publishers are lucky in one way: the reckoning could have come much sooner. From 1999 to 2001, I worked for NuvoMedia, a Silicon Valley startup that developed a device called the Rocket eBook. The Rocket and its main rival at the time, the Softbook Reader from Softbook Press, prefigured the current generation of e-book devices. Owners could shop for books from major publishers online, download the publications to their PCs, and then transfer them to the portable devices, which had monochrome LCD screens that showed one page of text at a time.

But three factors conspired to kill these first-generation e-readers. First, book publishers, fearing that digital sales would cannibalize print sales, offered only a limited catalogue of books in electronic form and charged nearly as much for Rocket and Softbook editions as they did for hardcovers. Not surprisingly, consumers demurred, which in turn discouraged publishers from offering more titles digitally. Second, the technology wasn't quite ready for mass adoption. The devices weren't small or thin enough to be truly portable, and the book-buying process was convoluted. Third, NuvoMedia and Softbook Press were acquired and then combined by a larger company, Gemstar, that was distracted by other issues and let its new e-book division languish, eventually closing it down.

Business conditions are very different today. For one thing, there are more big players with an interest in seeing the e-book business blossom, including Sony, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and now Apple. Using their pull with publishers, these companies have assembled huge catalogues of e-books--Amazon has nearly half a million commercial titles--and they've kept prices lower, in the $10-to-$15 range for new trade books.

Just as important, mobile computing technology has improved drastically. Cheap 3G data access is the biggest advance. Now that readers can browse, purchase, and download e-books and periodicals directly on their devices, they can access new material almost instantaneously, without having to be near a desktop or laptop computer with an Internet connection. Having owned a Kindle 2 since May 2009, I can testify to the allure of this feature: I've bought a couple of dozen more e-books for my Kindle than I would ever have ordered from Amazon in print form in the same period.

Today's wireless e-reading devices fall into two groups, each with its strong points. The "electronic ink" devices all use black-and-white electrophoretic displays manufactured by Prime View International. (The Taiwanese display maker acquired the company that developed the technology, MIT spinoff E Ink, in 2009.) The $259 Kindle 2 is the best-known of these products, but Barnes and Noble's identically priced Nook and the $400 Sony Reader Daily Edition offer similar functions. The Kindle DX ($489) and the forthcoming Plastic Logic Que proReader (expected this summer, starting at $649) have larger screens and are intended mainly for reading textbooks and business documents. The Prime View screens on these devices depend on reflected ambient light, which gives them two advantages: they're easier on the eyes than backlit LCD screens, and they use far less power. Their batteries can last for days, and sometimes weeks, between charges.

In the last year, however, devices with LCD screens have reëmerged as credible e-book readers. Apple's iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad are leading examples. The LCD screens use battery power such as Apple A1185 Battery, Apple M9324 Battery, Apple M8403 Battery, Apple M7318 Battery, apple PowerBook G3 Battery, Apple PowerBook G4 Battery, Apple PowerBook G4 15 inch Battery, Apple A1012 Battery, Apple M8511 Battery, Apple M8244 Battery, Apple A1079 Battery, Apple A1078 Battery, Apple A1148 Battery and Apple M6091 Battery faster, but they have the important advantage of being able to show moving images and full color, capabilities that are still at least a year or two away for electrophoretic screens.

For book publishers, color screens are interesting but probably not revolutionary. Vook titles like The Breakaway Japanese Kitchen ($4.99), a cookbook that bundles recipes with related instructional videos, provide a taste of what's possible. But with most long-form writing, the words are paramount. If their purpose is to stimulate the mind's eye, then color and animation are overkill, which is why I doubt that the iPad will wholly undercut the market for the Kindle-­style devices.

For magazine, newspaper, and textbook publishers, on the other hand, the iPad and the wave of tablet devices just behind it create enormous opportunities. Magazines are distinguished from books not merely by their periodical nature and their bite-size articles but by their design. If digital-age readers still want information that's organized and ornamented in the fashion of good magazines--and there's no reason to think they don't--then devices that mimic the form and ergonomics of old-fashioned print pages will be needed to deliver it.

But to succeed on the new platforms, publishers will have to innovate, not simply imitate established media: they will have to move beyond the current crop of static digital magazines. The problem with most of the publications built on e-­magazine platforms from Zinio, Zmags, and other startups is that they are simply digital replicas of their print counterparts, perhaps with a few hyperlinks thrown in as afterthoughts. Publishers should look for better ways to use tablet screens such as the iPad's, with its multitouch zooming and scrolling capabilities, and to make their content interactive.

There are many reasons, however, to suspect that the transition to the new distribution technologies will be rocky for the traditional publishing industry. For one thing, publishers may not be able to charge as much as they'd like for electronic editions. Kindle customers have frequently boycotted e-books priced above $9.99, and publishers' plans to charge up to $14.99 for e-books sold through Apple's iBooks application have raised a serious outcry.

Magazine and newspaper buyers, too, have been trained to expect lower prices for digital editions. The New Yorker costs $35.88 per year on the Kindle, compared with $39.95 for a print subscription and $234.53 on newsstands. The $0.75 price tag on the Kindle version of the Sunday New York Times, whose newsstand version costs $5 or more, gives me a larcenous thrill every weekend. (And obviously, I can read newspapers on the Web, at least for now, and pay nothing.) On top of all that, there is little information yet about how readers respond to the ads inserted into the e-reader versions of magazines and newspapers, or how much publishers will be able to charge for the advertisements. And generating elaborate interactive content for digital periodicals will almost certainly drive up production costs.

The new digital reading platforms do, of course, provide an upside for traditional publishers: the technology will give them the opportunity to package material in surprising new forms that could attract new audiences.

In the best scenario I can envision for the publishing industry in 2020, basic text-centric digital content (nonfiction books, novels, daily news) will be so accessible and cheap that it will actually turn more people into regular readers, the way dime novels did in the 1870s and paperbacks did in the 1940s. In this way, publishers could begin to make up in volume what they will inevitably sacrifice through lower prices. But at the same time, they will be creating compelling multimedia experiences and packaging them at higher prices. After all, consumers who are willing to drop $14 to see Avatar in 3-D ought to be willing to spend the same amount on an edition of Hamlet souped up with video clips of Olivier, Jacobi, or Branagh. Maybe.

Batteries to Be Recharged

Batteries to Be Recharged

Mobile phones, remote controls, and other gadgets are generally convenient--that is, until their batteries go dead. For many consumers, having to routinely recharge or replace batteries remains the weakest link in portable electronics. To solve the problem, a group of European researchers say they've found a way to combine a thin-film organic solar cell with a new type of polymer battery, giving it the capability of recharging itself when exposed to natural or indoor light.

It's not only ultraslim, but also flexible enough to integrate with a wide range of low-wattage electronic devices, including flat but bendable objects like a smart card and, potentially, mobile phones with curves. The results of the research, part of the three-year, five-country European Polymer Solar Battery project, were recently published online in the journal Solar Energy.

"It's the first time that a device combining energy creation and storage shows [such] tremendous properties," says Gilles Dennler, a coauthor of the paper and a researcher at solar startup Konarka Technologies, based in Lowell, MA. Prior to joining Konarka, Dennler was a professor at the Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells at Johannes Kepler University, in Austria. "The potential for this type of product is large, given [that] there is a growing demand for portable self-rechargeable power supplies."

Prototypes of the solar battery weigh as little as two grams and are less than one millimeter thick. "The device is meant to ensure that the Apple Laptop Battery such as Apple A1175 Battery, Apple A1185 Battery, Apple M9324 Battery, Apple M8403 Battery, Apple M7318 Battery, apple PowerBook G3 Battery, Apple PowerBook G4 Battery, Apple PowerBook G4 15 inch Battery, Apple A1012 Battery, Apple M8511 Battery, Apple M8244 Battery and Apple A1079 Battery is always charged with optimum voltage, independently of the light intensity seen by the solar cell," according to the paper. Dennler says that a single cell delivers about 0.6 volts. By shaping a module with strips connected in series, "one can add on voltages to fit the requirements of the device."

The organic solar cell used in the prototype is the same technology being developed by Konarka. (See "Solar-Cell Rollout.") It's based on a mix of electrically conducting polymers and fullerenes. The cells can be cut or produced in special shapes and can be printed on a roll-to-roll machine at low temperature, offering the potential of low-cost, high-volume production.

To preserve the life of the cells, which are vulnerable to photodegradation after only a few hours of air exposure, the researchers encapsulated them inside a flexible gas barrier. This extended their life for about 3,000 hours. Project coordinator Denis Fichou, head of the Laboratory of Organic Nanostructures and Semiconductors, near Paris, says that the second important achievement of the European project was the incorporation into the device of an extremely thin and highly flexible lithium-polymer battery developed by German company VARTA-Microbattery, a partner in the research consortium. VARTA's batteries can be as thin as 0.1 millimeter and recharged more than 1,000 times, and they have a relatively high energy density. Already on the market, the battery is being used in Apple's new iPod nano.

Dennler says that the maturity of the battery and the imminent commercial release of Konarka-style organic solar cells mean that the kind of solar-battery device designed in the project could be available as early as next year, although achieving higher performance would be an ongoing pursuit.

The paper's coauthor Toby Meyer, cofounder of Swiss-based Solaronix, says that the prototypes worked well enough under low-light conditions, such as indoor window light, to be considered as a power source for some mobile phones. Artificial light, on the other hand, may impose limitations. "Office light is probably too weak to generate enough power for the given solar-cell surface available on the phone," he says.

Watches, toys, RFID tags, smart cards, remote controls, and a variety of sensors are among the more likely applications, although the opportunity in the area of digital cameras, PDAs, and mobile phones will likely continue to drive research. "The feasibility of a polymer solar battery has been proven," the paper concludes.

Rights to the technology are held by Konarka, though the solar company says it has no plans itself to commercial the battery.


Compaq Presario Lithium Ion Battery

Compaq Presario Lithium Ion Battery

There are many options when it comes to picking out a laptop. Firstly if you are more interested in the brand you will see what the respective company has to offer, then features, style and then the price. But if you are a financial preoccupied consumer you will first range the categories by price. If you are looking for an affordable yet reliable laptop you should see what Compaq Presario has to offer. In most cases, just like any respectable company, they have laptops for any category of consumers: business class, students, high-tech, gamers or just your basic home use.

And after you have picked out the company take a look at the features, the display, weight, design, processor, memory and battery such as Compaq EVO N600C Battery, Compaq EVO N610C Battery, Compaq EVO N620C Battery, Compaq Presario 1200 Battery, Compaq Presario 1800 Battery, Compaq Presario 700 Battery, Compaq Presario 900 Battery, Compaq Presario 1700 Battery, Compaq EVO N100 battery, Compaq Evo N1020V battery, Compaq Evo N1000C battery and Compaq Evo N115 battery. A battery is very important in a laptop; the longer it lasts the more reliable the laptop is considered. Who doesn’t want to enjoy a wireless experience anywhere for a long period of time? And the good thing about a Compaq Presario is that some laptops are customizable, meaning you can choose the parts you want. And in this category enters the battery also. You can choose between a 6-cell Lithium Ion and a 12-cell Lithium Ion. Choose the last one and you will be able to enjoy up to 5 even 6 hours depending on the applications and specifications of the free cable experience.

Take for example Compaq Presario 700, which is a special design laptop, with rounded corners, silver outlines with black keyboard that will look good anywhere you put it. It runs with AMD Mobile Duron processor and also has Windows XP Home Edition as operating system. It is suited for home basic use and the battery here will last you for a couple of hours, maybe in time you will have to replace it and if you are looking for a compatible yet affordable one I found a cool website for Compaq Presario 700 laptop battery or Compaq laptop ac adapters at some really low prices with one year warranty.


Fixing the Power Grid

Fixing the Power Grid

Large-scale power storage is crucial to our energy future: the Electric Power Research Institute, the U.S. utility industry's leading R&D consortium, says that storage would enable the widespread use of renewable power and make the grid more reliable and efficient. Recent announcements by utility giant American Electric Power (AEP), based in Columbus, OH, suggest that grid storage technologies are finally ready for commercial deployment in the United States. Last month, AEP ordered three multi-megawatt battery systems and set goals of having 25 megawatts of storage in place by 2010, and 40 times that by 2020.

"That was a dream four or five years ago; now it is happening," says AEP energy-storage expert Ali Nourai.

The AEP system uses a sodium-sulfur battery about the size of a double-decker bus (see below), plus power electronics to manage the flow of AC power in and out of the DC Compaq Laptop Battery such as Compaq Armada M700 Battery, Compaq EVO N400c Battery, Compaq EVO N410c Battery, Compaq EVO N600C Battery, Compaq EVO N610C Battery, Compaq EVO N620C Battery, Compaq Presario 1200 Battery, Compaq Presario 1800 Battery, Compaq Presario 700 Battery and Compaq Presario 900 Battery. Though new to the United States, the system has been used at the megawatt scale in Japan since the early 1990s; the battery was produced by NGK Insulators of Nagoya, Japan.

Nourai says that AEP and other U.S. utilities gained confidence in the economics and reliability of storage thanks to a demonstration project in Charleston, WV, where AEP installed a large battery system in June 2006. In Charleston, peak demand in both summer and winter had overloaded transformers at local substations, causing blackouts. Rebuilding the substations to accommodate more power could have taken as much as three years. Instead, AEP spent just nine months installing a battery system that charges when demand for electricity is low and can deliver up to 1.2 megawatts for seven hours when demand peaks.

Two of AEP's new projects are slightly larger two-megawatt, seven-hour battery systems designed to provide similar quick fixes in areas with power-reliability problems. A battery in Milton, WV, for example, will provide backup electricity for customers in areas prone to blackouts from a weak power line. "When there is a blackout, the battery will pick up as many people as it can and continue to feed them," says Nourai. "They will not even know there was a blackout." The battery will postpone Milton's addition of a new substation and a high-voltage transmission line by five to six years.

When AEP decides to make more permanent upgrades to substations or completes construction of a new power line--a process that can take five or six years--it will simply move the nearest backup battery to another choke point. "It can be lifted with a forklift and loaded onto a flatbed truck," says Nourai. "Within a week we can have it up and operational at another site in our system."

Richard Baxter, author of Energy Storage: A Nontechnical Guide and chair of a conference held last week in New York City on investing in storage, says that AEP's new projects are a "good litmus test" for the industry. "Storage technologies are emerging as a viable, commercial-level product," Baxter says.

The emergence of a grid storage market is drawing in new battery developers. These include Firefly Energy of Peoria, IL, which is using high-surface-area nanostructured electrodes to revive lead-acid technology, and lithium battery developer Altair Nanotechnologies, based in Reno, NV. In June, multinational utility AES agreed to buy an unspecified number of Altair's batteries; CEO Alan Gotcher says that Altair will deliver a one-megawatt, 15-minute prototype by the end of this year.

AEP, meanwhile, is exploring a potentially more transformative role for storage: turning the ever-shifting power output of renewable resources such as wind and solar power into steady, dependable energy. The company plans to connect its third two-megawatt battery system to a group of wind turbines at an as-yet undetermined site. Nourai says that the goal is to learn whether batteries can smooth out short-term fluctuations in power flow from the turbines. If they can, utilities should be able to absorb larger levels of wind power on their grids.

But Nourai says that AEP also wants to determine whether storing wind energy can boost its value. There are at least two ways that this could happen. Wind energy produced at night could be stored for delivery during peak hours of the day, when the price of electricity spikes. And if the power delivered by wind farms were more predictable, it would be more profitable. When an independent generator such as a wind-farm operator sells to power distributors, it must promise to deliver a certain amount of power at a certain hour. While the details vary greatly in different regional and national power markets, wind-farm operators can be penalized if they fail to meet their commitments because the wind didn't blow as hard as expected. Systems that store a fraction of a wind farm's output when the wind is blowing can eliminate most of this risk.

Nourai notes that Japanese utilities are already installing energy-storage technologies to make wind power more reliable and profitable, thanks to government incentives that cover one-third of the cost of the storage system, and to the wider spread between Japan's day and night electricity prices. Nourai believes that NGK, which can currently produce 90 megawatts' worth of sodium-sulfur battery systems per year, is considering constructing a second factory to meet the resulting demand. Meanwhile, a study completed this year by Sustainable Energy Ireland, Ireland's energy-policy agency, concluded that time-shifting storage projects might already be profitable in Europe.

However, an expert panel assembled by the Electric Power Research Institute last year judged that storage costs needed to drop below $150 per kilowatt-hour to make such time shifting economically attractive in the United States; a report issued by the institute this spring estimates that systems employing NGK's sodium-sulfur batteries cost $300 to $500 per kilowatt-hour. That cost differential has fueled recent interest in solar-thermal-power plants that capture renewable energy in the form of heat, which is easier to store than electricity. (See "Storing Solar Power Efficiently.")


A Salt and Paper Battery

A Salt and Paper Battery

Researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden have made a flexible battery using two common, cheap ingredients: cellulose and salt. The lightweight, rechargeable battery uses thin pieces of paper--pressed mats of tangled cellulose fibers--for electrodes, while a salt solution acts as the electrolyte.

The new battery should be cheap, easy to manufacture, and environmentally benign, says lead researcher Maria Stromme. She suggests that it might be used to power cheap medical diagnostics devices or sensors on packaging materials or embedded into fabric. "You don't need advanced equipment to make the batteries," Stromme says, "so they could be made on site in developing countries."

The new battery such as IBM FRU 92P1137 Battery, IBM 02K6651 Battery, IBM 02K6928 Battery, IBM 02K6620 Battery, IBM 02K7039 Battery, IBM ThinkPad X60 Battery, IBM FRU 92P1167 Battery, IBM ThinkPad Z60t Battery, IBM ThinkPad Z61t Battery, IBM 40Y6793 Battery, IBM FRU 92P1125 Battery and IBM FRU 92P1121 Battery uses a type of rechargeable thin-film design that many other researchers and companies have been working on for several years.

Thin-film batteries typically use solid electrolytes instead of liquid or gel, and their electrodes are typically made of lithium combined with metals such as nickel, cobalt, or manganese. The salt-and-paper battery is an ideal replacement for the lithium ones used in many low-power portable devices, such as wireless sensors, smart cards, medical implants, and RFID tags. "For these applications, the thinner and smaller the battery, the better," says Sara Bradford, an energy and power consultant at Frost & Sullivan.

Thin-film batteries have other attractive features. They have a long shelf life, retaining their charge after being stored for many years, and they can be charged and discharged tens of thousands of times, says Raghu Das, CEO of research company IDTechEX and an expert on printed electronics, "enabling wireless sensors that can last for decades with an appropriate energy harvester attached."

However, only a handful of startups, such as Infinite Power Solutions in Littleton, CO, and Solicore in Lakeland, FL, have generated enough venture backing to bring their batteries to market. Cymbet in Elk River, MN, and Excellatron in Atlanta, GA, are other strong contenders with market-ready technologies. More than four million thin-film batteries will ship this year, according to a May 2009 report by market research firm NanoMarkets.

The new paper battery, described in a paper published online in the journal Nano Letters, has some catching up to do. Lithium batteries can deliver 4 volts and have energy densities of 200 to 300 milliwatt-hours per gram. In comparison, a single paper battery cell delivers 1 volt and can store up to 25 milliwatt-hours of energy per gram. When providing maximum current, it loses 6 percent of its storage capacity after 100 recharging cycles. However, Stromme says that her team has already run the battery for 1,000 recharging cycles at lower current. She also points out that these are numbers from an initial laboratory prototype.

The researchers are now working on optimizing the battery. Eventually, stacking multiple cells together and connecting them in series will increase the voltage. Meanwhile, depending on the application, she says, "we can tune the size and the current we draw to fulfill those requirements."

The paper battery can furthermore be recharged much faster than a lithium battery. The cellulose that Stromme and her colleagues use comes from a type of polluting algae found in seas and lakes. Although the algae's cell walls contain cellulose, it has a very different nanostructure, which gives it 100 times the surface area. The researchers coat the paper made from this cellulose with a conducting polymer and then sandwich a salt-solution-soaked filter paper between the paper electrodes.

Chlorine ions flow from the positive electrode to the negative one, while electrons travel through the external circuit, providing current. The paper electrode stores charge while recharging in tens of seconds because ions flow through the thin electrode quickly. In contrast, lithium batteries take 20 minutes to recharge. "The combination of large capacity and small charging time is very unique," Stromme says.

Bradford says that the new paper battery is at a relatively early research stage compared to other thin-film technologies. "For a battery to succeed, you need to have a good cost and manufacturing process in place, but performance is the key aspect," she says. "If it's not a several-degrees improvement on existing technology, it's very hard to make the battery profitable."

Stromme, meanwhile, is confident that the environmentally friendly design will find niche applications. She says that it could be produced commercially within three years.


Better Batteries Charge Up

Better Batteries Charge Up

A Texas startup says that it has taken a big step toward high-volume production of an ultracapacitor-based energy-storage system that, if claims hold true, would far outperform the best lithium-ion batteries on the market.

Dick Weir, founder and chief executive of EEStor, a startup based in Cedar Park, TX, says that the company has manufactured materials that have met all certification milestones for crystallization, chemical purity, and particle-size consistency. The results suggest that the materials can be made at a high-enough grade to meet the company's performance goals. The company also said a key component of the material can withstand the extreme voltages needed for high energy storage.

"These advancements provide the pathway to meeting our present requirements," Weir says. "This data says we hit the home run."

EEStor claims that its system, called an electrical energy storage unit (EESU), will have more than three times the energy density of the top lithium-ion batteries such as IBM ThinkPad R60 Battery, IBM ThinkPad T60 Battery, IBM 40Y6797 Battery, IBM 40Y6799 Battery, IBM FRU 92P1139 Battery, IBM FRU 92P1141 Battery, IBM FRU 92P1137 Battery, IBM 02K6651 Battery, IBM 02K6928 Battery, IBM 02K6620 Battery, IBM 02K7039 Battery, IBM ThinkPad X60 Battery. The company also says that the solid-state device will be safer and longer lasting, and will have the ability to recharge in less than five minutes. Toronto-based ZENN Motor, an EEStor investor and customer, says that it's developing an EESU-powered car with a top speed of 80 miles per hour and a 250-mile range. It hopes to launch the vehicle, which the company says will be inexpensive, in the fall of 2009.

But skepticism in the research community is high. At the EESU's core is a ceramic material consisting of a barium titanate powder that is coated with aluminum oxide and a type of glass material. At a materials-research conference earlier this year in San Francisco, it was asked whether such an energy-storage device was possible. "The response was not very positive," said one engineering professor who attended the conference.

Many have questioned EEStor's claims, pointing out that the high voltages needed to approach the targeted energy storage would cause the material to break down and the storage device to short out. There would be little tolerance for impurities or imprecision--something difficult to achieve in a high-volume manufacturing setting, skeptics say.

But Weir is dismissive of such reactions. "EEStor is not hyping," he says. Representatives of the company said in a press release that certification data proves that voltage breakdown of the aluminum oxide occurs at 1,100 volts per micron--nearly three times higher than EEStor's target of 350 volts. "This provides the potential for excellent protection from voltage breakdown," the company said.

Jeff Dahn, a professor of advanced materials in the chemistry and physics departments at Dalhousie University, in Nova Scotia, Canada, says the data suggests that EEStor has developed an "amazingly robust" material. "If you're going to have a one-micron dielectric, it's got to be pretty pure," he says.

Ian Clifford, CEO of ZENN Motor, says that the news "bodes well" for EEStor's next milestone: third-party verification that the powders achieve the desired high level of permittivity, which will help determine whether the materials can meet the company's energy-storage goals.

Weir says that EEStor's latest production milestones lay the foundation for what follows. It has taken longer than originally expected, he says, but the company is now in a position to deploy more-advanced technologies for the production of military-grade applications, alluding to EEStor's partnership with Lockheed Martin.

Weir says that momentum is building and that he'll start coming out with information about the company's progress on a "more rapid basis." Plans are also under way for a major expansion of EEStor's production lines. "There's nothing complex in this," he says, pointing to his past engineering days at IBM. "It's nowhere near the complexity of disk-drive fabrication."

Despite its critics, EEStor has won support from some significant corners. In addition to Lockheed Martin, venture-capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers is an investor, and former Dell Computer chairman Morton Topfer sits on EEStor's board.

The company is also in serious talks with potential partners in the solar and wind industry, where EEStor's technology can, according to Weir, help put 45 percent more energy into the grid. He says that the company is working toward commercial production "as soon as possible in 2009," although when asked, he gave no specific date. "I'm not going to make claims on when we're going to get product out there. That's between me and the customer. I don't want to tell the industry."

Dahn says that he hopes EEStor will succeed. "I hope it works like a charm, because it will be a lot easier than fuel cells and batteries if it comes to pass."

Laptops as Earthquake Sensors

Earthquake researchers in California hope to take advantage of the motion sensors in laptops to create an earthquake-sensing network. By putting computers in homes and businesses to work as seismic monitors, the researchers hope to pull together a wealth of information on major quakes, and perhaps even offer early warnings, giving a few seconds' notice of a potentially devastating quake.

The Quake Catcher Network (QCN) is in the beta testing stage, with links to several hundred laptops. It's a distributed computing network, like SETI@home, which searches for intelligent signals from space, and Folding@Home, which focuses on protein folding. Machines in the earthquake network would monitor motion and report big shakes to a central server. If a horde of reports came in from a particular area, it could indicate an earthquake. The network will initially focus on the quake-prone San Francisco Bay and the Greater Los Angeles Basin areas of California.

"Were not trying to predict earthquakes, we're trying to measure them very rapidly and get the information out before damage is done to large populations," says Jesse Lawrence, an earthquake seismologist at Stanford University. He's working on the project with Elizabeth Cochran, an assistant professor of seismology at the University of California, Riverside, who came up with the idea, and other collaborators at both universities.

Hundreds of sophisticated seismometers are already in place in California, but they're spaced relatively far apart. The new distributed network wouldn't replace those, says Paul Davis, a professor of geology at the University of California, Los Angeles, but "it would fill in the gaps."

The QCN team has developed software that turns Mac laptops into seismic sensors and displays seismic data on a screensaver. They plan to later release a Windows version. Apple laptops manufactured since 2005 are outfitted with accelerometers, as are many IBM (now Lenovo such as ThinkPad T40, ThinkPad T41, ThinkPad T42, ThinkPad T43, ThinkPad R50, ThinkPad R51, IBM FRU 08K8193, IBM 92P1060, IBM 08K8214, IBM 08K8195, IBM 08K8193, IBM 08K8192 and IBM 92P1101), Acer, and HP laptops. They detect sudden acceleration--as when a laptop falls from a table, for instance--and brace the hard drive for impact.

Desktop computers don't have built-in accelerometers, but they can easily be outfitted with inexpensive USB shake sensors, Lawrence says, which are already used in the automotive industry to develop and test safety devices such as airbags. Lawrence and his collaborators hope to distribute USB shake sensors to schools so students can be part of the network.

The Quake Catcher Network's software will analyze shakes sensed by a computer's accelerometer and report only big movements to the central server, ignoring the vibrations from a passing truck, a bump to a table, or even a minor earthquake. The pattern of signals received by the server should allow the network to recognize a significant earthquake, Lawrence says. The location of networked computers will be identified by their IP addresses and from reports from users.

Some scientists, including Egill Hauksson, a senior research associate in geophysics at Caltech, who oversees the Southern California Seismic Network, have doubts about the quality of that data. Nonetheless, Hauksson says, "If you have hundreds of thousands of these computers reporting, maybe you will see something interesting."

Sensors in quake-prone areas such as California are miles apart, and Davis says if there were more QCN-linked computers in an area, they could provide information on how the shaking varied across the affected area. "It's obviously a very limited seismometer," Davis says, "but it would indicate where the biggest shaking concentrated in a way we've never done before."

The devastating Northridge earthquake, which hit Los Angeles in 1994, had some unexpected effects in parts of Southern California, Davis says, so scientists deployed seismographs in backyards to try to figure out what was going on. "Had there been all those laptops measuring at the time, that could have been worked out much quicker," he says.

Lawrence's hope is that the network might even be able to give an early warning of quakes, based on the relatively gentle waves that occur before the more brutal ones. Even just a few seconds of warning may be enough time for people to take cover and automated systems could slow trains and divert traffic from vulnerable bridges. There's no such system in the United States, but in Japan, high-speed trains are stopped when a major earthquake is detected.

However, Caltech's Hauksson says he's "very skeptical about using this kind of network for warning."

Although David Oppenheimer, a seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, who isn't involved with the project, sees "significant problems" with the notion of using laptops as quake sensors, he's intrigued by the idea of equipping desktop computers with inexpensive seismic sensors.

"To me, that's very exciting because there are large portions of the world where we don't have adequate seismic monitoring," Oppenheimer says. If USB accelerometers were attached to internet-connected computers in those regions, they could detect a quake more quickly than more-conventional sensors located hundreds or thousands of miles away.

If something like the QCN had been in place in Indonesia in 2004, when a huge quake triggered a devastating tsunami, it could have helped in warning emergency workers. "Thousands of kilometers of laptops could have lit up in Sumatra," Davis says. "They could know within a couple of minutes that it happened," rather than waiting for the half-hour it took for the quake to be picked up on sensors farther away. That earlier notice could allow response teams to mobilize more quickly during the next quake, and tsunami warnings could be issued in time to make a difference.

Battery Breakthrough?

A secretive Texas startup developing what some are calling a "game changing" energy-storage technology broke its silence this week. It announced that it has reached two production milestones and is on track to ship systems this year for use in electric vehicles.

EEStor's ambitious goal, according to patent documents, is to "replace the electrochemical battery" in almost every application, from hybrid-electric and pure-electric vehicles to laptop computers to utility-scale electricity storage.

The company boldly claims that its system, a kind of battery-ultracapacitor hybrid based on barium-titanate powders, will dramatically outperform the best lithium-ion batteries on the market in terms of energy density, price, charge time, and safety. Pound for pound, it will also pack 10 times the punch of lead-acid batteries at half the cost and without the need for toxic materials or chemicals, according to the company.

The implications are enormous and, for many, unbelievable. Such a breakthrough has the potential to radically transform a transportation sector already flirting with an electric renaissance, improve the performance of intermittent energy sources such as wind and sun, and increase the efficiency and stability of power grids--all while fulfilling an oil-addicted America's quest for energy security.

The breakthrough could also pose a threat to next-generation lithium-ion makers such as Watertown, MA-based A123Systems, which is working on a plug-in hybrid storage system for General Motors, and Reno, NV-based Altair Nanotechnologies, a supplier to all-electric vehicle maker Phoenix Motorcars.

"I get a little skeptical when somebody thinks they've got a silver bullet for every application, because that's just not consistent with reality," says Andrew Burke, an expert on energy systems for transportation at University of California at Davis.

That said, Burke hopes to be proved wrong. "If [the] technology turns out to be better than I think, that doesn't make me sad: it makes me happy."

Richard Weir, EEStor's cofounder and chief executive, says he would prefer to keep a low profile and let the results of his company's innovation speak for themselves. "We're well on our way to doing everything we said," Weir told Technology Review in a rare interview. He has also worked as an electrical engineer at computing giant IBM and at Michigan-based automotive-systems leader TRW.

Much like capacitors, ultracapacitors store energy in an electrical field between two closely spaced conductors, or plates. When voltage is applied, an electric charge builds up on each plate.

Ultracapacitors have many advantages over traditional electrochemical batteries such as IBM 02K7016 battery, IBM ThinkPad G40 battery, IBM 08K8026 battery, IBM ThinkPad T21 battery, IBM ThinkPad T20 battery, IBM ThinkPad X61 battery, IBM ThinkPad T61 battery, IBM ThinkPad X41 battery, IBM ThinkPad X40 battery, IBM ThinkPad X20 battery, IBM ThinkPad R60 Battery and IBM ThinkPad T60 Battery. Unlike batteries, "ultracaps" can completely absorb and release a charge at high rates and in a virtually endless cycle with little degradation.

Where they're weak, however, is with energy storage. Compared with lithium-ion batteries, high-end ultracapacitors on the market today store 25 times less energy per pound.

This is why ultracapacitors, with their ability to release quick jolts of electricity and to absorb this energy just as fast, are ideal today as a complement to batteries or fuel cells in electric-drive vehicles. The power burst that ultracaps provide can assist with stop-start acceleration, and the energy is more efficiently recaptured through regenerative braking--an area in which ultracap maker Maxwell Technologies has seen significant results.

In a traditional ultracap, that permittivity is given a rating of 20 to 30, while EEStor's claim is 18,500 or more--a phenomenal number by most accounts. "This is a very big step for us," says Weir. "This puts me well onto the road of meeting high-volume production."

Jim Miller, vice president of advanced transportation technologies at Maxwell Technologies and an ultracap expert who spent 18 years doing engineering work at Ford Motor, isn't so convinced.

"We're skeptical, number one, because of leakage," says Miller, explaining that high-voltage ultracaps have a tendency to self-discharge quickly. "Meaning, if you leave it parked overnight it will discharge, and you'll have to charge it back up in the morning."

He also doesn't believe that the ceramic structure--brittle by nature--will be able to handle thermal stresses that are bound to cause microfractures and, ultimately, failure. Finally, EEStor claims that its system works to specification in temperatures as low as -20 °C, revised from a previous claim of -40 °C.

"Temperature of -20 degrees C is not good enough for automotive," says Miller. "You need -40 degrees." By comparison, Altair and A123Systems claim that their lithium-ion cells can operate at -30 °C.

Burke, meanwhile, says that there's a big difference between making powder in a controlled environment and making defect-free devices in a large quantity that can survive underneath the hood of a car.

"I have no doubt you can develop that kind of [ceramic] material, and the mechanism that gives you the energy storage is clear, but the first question is whether it's truly applicable to vehicle applications," Burke says, pointing out that the technology seems more appropriate for utility-scale storage and military "ray guns," for which high voltage is an advantage.

Safety is another concern. What happens if a vehicle packed with a 3,500-volt energy system crashes?

Weir says the voltage will be stepped down with a bi-directional converter, and the whole system will be secured in a grounded metal box. It won't have a problem getting an Underwriters Laboratories safety certification, he adds. "If you drive a stake through it, we have ways of fusing this thing where all the energy is sitting there but it won't arc ... It will be the safest battery the world has ever seen."

Regarding concerns about temperature, leakage, and ceramic brittleness, Weir did not reply to an e-mail asking him how EEStor overcomes such issues.

Nonetheless, the company has some solid backing. Its board has attracted Morton Topfer, former vice chairman of Dell and mentor to Michael Dell.

The company is also backed by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a venture-capital powerhouse that has an impressive track record: it made early and highly successful bets on Google, Amazon.com, and Sun Microsystems, among others. Whether EEStor can translate that success to the energy sector remains to be seen.

"I'm surprised that Kleiner has put money into it," says Miller.

Weir maintains that his company will meet all of its claims, and then some. "We're not trying to hype this. This is the first time we've ever talked about it. And we will continue to meet all of the production requirements."


IBM Invests in Battery Research

IBM Invests in Battery Research

IBM Research is beginning an ambitious project that it hopes will lead to the commercialization of batteries that store 10 times as much energy as today's within the next five years. The company will partner with U.S. national labs to develop a promising but controversial technology that uses energy-dense but highly flammable lithium metal to react with oxygen in the air. The payoff, says the company, will be a lightweight, powerful, and rechargeable battery for the electrical grid and the electrification of transportation.

Lithium metal-air batteries can store a tremendous amount of energy--in theory, more than 5,000 watt-hours per kilogram. That's more than ten-times as much as today's high-performance lithium-ion batteries, and more than another class of energy-storage devices: fuel cells. Instead of containing a second reactant inside the cell, these batteries react with oxygen in the air that's pulled in as needed, making them lightweight and compact.

IBM is pursuing the risky technology instead of lithium-ion batteries because it has the potential to reach high enough energy densities to change the transportation system, says Chandrasekhar Narayan, manager of science and technology at IBM's Almaden Research Center, in San Jose, CA. "With all foreseeable developments, lithium-ion batteries are only going to get about two times better than they are today," he says. "To really make an impact on transportation and on the grid, you need higher energy density than that." One of the project's goals, says Narayan, is a lightweight 500-mile battery for a family car. The Chevy Volt can go 40 miles before using the gas tank, and Tesla Motors' Model S line can travel up to 300 miles without a recharge.

One of the main challenges in making lithium metal-air batteries such as IBM ThinkPad R40 Battery, IBM ThinkPad R32 Battery, IBM 02K6928 Battery, IBM 02K7054 Battery, IBM ThinkPad A20 Battery, IBM ThinkPad A20M Battery, IBM ThinkPad A21M Battery, IBM ThinkPad 240 battery, IBM ThinkPad 240Z battery, IBM ThinkPad A30 battery, IBM ThinkPad A31 battery and IBM ThinkPad 600 battery is that "air isn't just oxygen," says Jeff Dahn, a professor of materials science at Dalhousie University, in Nova Scotia. Where there's air there's moisture, and "humidity is the death of lithium," says Dahn. When lithium metal meets water, an explosive reaction ensues. These batteries will require protective membranes that exclude water but let in oxygen, and are stable over time.

IBM does not currently have battery research programs in place. However, Narayan says that IBM has the expertise needed to tackle the science problems. In addition to Oak Ridge, IBM will partner with Lawrence Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, Argonne, and Pacific Northwest national labs. The company and its collaborators are currently working on a proposal for funding from the U.S. Department of Energy under the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy.

Research on lithium-metal batteries stalled about 20 years ago. In 1989, Canadian company Moli Energy recalled its rechargeable lithium-metal batteries, which used not air but a more traditional cathode, after one caught fire; the incident led to legal action, and the company declared bankruptcy. Soon after, Sony brought to market the first rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, which were safer, and research on lithium-metal electrodes slowed nearly to a halt. (After restructuring, Moli Energy refocused its research efforts and is now selling lithium-ion batteries under the name Molicel.) Only a handful of labs around the world, including those at PolyPlus Battery, in Berkeley, CA, Japan's AIST, and St. Andrews University, in Scotland, are currently working on lithium-air batteries.

Safety problems with lithium-metal batteries can arise when they're recharged. "When you charge and discharge, you have to electroplate and strip the metal over and over again," says Dahn, who is not a contributor to the IBM project. Over time, just as in a lithium-ion battery, the lithium-metal surface becomes rough, which can lead to thermal runaway, when the battery literally burns until all the reactants inside are used up. But Narayan says that lithium-air batteries are inherently safer than previously developed lithium-metal batteries as well as today's lithium-ion batteries because only one of the reactants is contained in the cell. "A lithium-air cell needs air from outside," says Narayan. "You will never get a runaway reaction because air is limited."

PolyPlus Battery has been working on lithium metal-air technology for about six years and has some dramatic evidence of the technology's viability: floating among clownfish in an aquarium tank at the company's headquarters, a lithium-metal battery pulls in oxygen from the salt water to power a green LED. The company has also developed a prototype battery that pulls oxygen from ambient air. But Steven Visco, founder and vice president of research at the company, says that lithium metal-air batteries are "still a young technology that's not ready to be commercialized."

IBM's Narayan points to two remaining major problems with lithium metal-air technology. First, the design of the cathode needs to be optimized so that the lithium oxide that forms when oxygen is pulled inside the battery won't block the oxygen intake channels. Second, better catalysts are needed to drive the reverse reaction that recharges the battery.

Narayan says that it won't be clear how much money and how much time the project will take until about a year and half from now, after research has begun. He estimates that the company will devote about five years to the project. IBM will probably not make the batteries but will license the technology to manufacturers.


IBM Invests Research

IBM Invests Research

IBM Research is beginning an ambitious project that it hopes will lead to the commercialization of batteries that store 10 times as much energy as today's within the next five years. The company will partner with U.S. national labs to develop a promising but controversial technology that uses energy-dense but highly flammable lithium metal to react with oxygen in the air. The payoff, says the company, will be a lightweight, powerful, and rechargeable battery for the electrical grid and the electrification of transportation.

Lithium metal-air batteries can store a tremendous amount of energy--in theory, more than 5,000 watt-hours per kilogram. That's more than ten-times as much as today's high-performance lithium-ion batteries, and more than another class of energy-storage devices: fuel cells. Instead of containing a second reactant inside the cell, these battery react with oxygen in the air that's pulled in as needed, making them lightweight and compact.

IBM is pursuing the risky technology instead of lithium-ion batteries because it has the potential to reach high enough energy densities to change the transportation system, says Chandrasekhar Narayan, manager of science and technology at IBM's Almaden Research Center, in San Jose, CA.

With all foreseeable developments, lithium-ion batteries such as IBM 08K8193 Battery, IBM 08K8192 Battery, IBM 92P1101 Battery, IBM 92P1089 Battery, IBM 92P1087 Battery, IBM 08K8196 Battery, IBM 92P1102 Battery, IBM 92P1077 Battery, IBM 92P1073 Battery, IBM 08K8199 Battery, IBM 08K8198 Battery, IBM 08K8197 Battery and IBM 92P1075 Battery are only going to get about two times better than they are today," he says. "To really make an impact on transportation and on the grid, you need higher energy density than that." One of the project's goals, says Narayan, is a lightweight 500-mile battery for a family car. The Chevy Volt can go 40 miles before using the gas tank, and Tesla Motors' Model S line can travel up to 300 miles without a recharge.

One of the main challenges in making lithium metal-air batteries is that "air isn't just oxygen," says Jeff Dahn, a professor of materials science at Dalhousie University, in Nova Scotia. Where there's air there's moisture, and "humidity is the death of lithium," says Dahn. When lithium metal meets water, an explosive reaction ensues. These batteries will require protective membranes that exclude water but let in oxygen, and are stable over time.

IBM does not currently have battery research programs in place. However, Narayan says that IBM has the expertise needed to tackle the science problems. In addition to Oak Ridge, IBM will partner with Lawrence Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, Argonne, and Pacific Northwest national labs. The company and its collaborators are currently working on a proposal for funding from the U.S. Department of Energy under the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy.

Research on lithium-metal batteries stalled about 20 years ago. In 1989, Canadian company Moli Energy recalled its rechargeable lithium-metal batteries, which used not air but a more traditional cathode, after one caught fire; the incident led to legal action, and the company declared bankruptcy. Soon after, Sony brought to market the first rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, which were safer, and research on lithium-metal electrodes slowed nearly to a halt. (After restructuring, Moli Energy refocused its research efforts and is now selling battery under the name Molicel.) Only a handful of labs around the world, including those at PolyPlus Battery, in Berkeley, CA, Japan's AIST, and St. Andrews University, in Scotland, are currently working on lithium-air batteries.


Care and Maintenance of Notebook Battery

Care and Maintenance of Notebook Battery

When you are constantly on the move, and you are a constant user of your notebook, you need to sure that the notebook battery is good and long lasting. Notebooks come in different brand and models, and notebook batteries are designed to suit them.

If you are planing to buy a notebook battery for your note, there are two things you have to keep in mind. One, it is better to go for a 9 cell battery pack, then the normal 6 cell battery pack, because it has better battery back-up. And, two, remember that a smaller screen notebook has a larger battery back-up than a larger screen notebook. And also buy batteries or other accessories which are certified by the notebook manufacturer.

Some notebooks have removable batteries. This is useful if you have a spare battery handy, especially in some locations like aircraft or conference rooms where power outlets might not be available, and the battery you are using loses its life. In such situations removable batteries are very handy.

There are many ways by which you can improve the life of your IBM Laptop Battery such as IBM ThinkPad T40 Battery, IBM ThinkPad T41 Battery, IBM ThinkPad T42 Battery, IBM ThinkPad T43 Battery, IBM ThinkPad R50 Battery, IBM ThinkPad R51 Battery, IBM FRU 08K8193 Battery, IBM 92P1060 Battery, IBM 08K8214 Battery and IBM 08K8195 Battery. If you are using Bluetooth or WiFi device, turn it off immediately because it reduces your battery life; Lower the screen back light; Avoid watching movies or playing games as it can reduce about 30% of your notebook battery life; Close all applications which you are not using; Remove USB or PC cards from your notebook if you are not using them, because it consumes a lot of power; Also avoid graphic intensive applications as it reduces battery life.

Before using a new battery make sure that you charge the battery fully, and before you recharge, make sure that it is fully discharged. Calibrate your battery every few months, as this will help to restore your battery's performance. If your battery is not in use, store it in dry, cool place.

There are many brands of notebook batteries. Some of the more popular brands are Acer, Apple, Compaq IBM, Toshiba, HP and Sony. There are many models of Acer notebook batteries, which are designed for whichever brand or notebook you are using. Apple uses Lithium-Polymer, resulting in compact and dense unit with longer life. The Compaq IBM batteries are 9 cell batteries, which increases the productivity of the batteries. Toshiba batteries are 6 cell batteries and they use lithium-lon technology. Sony Company also has a wide range of notebook batteries and rechargeable batteries. HP long life notebook battery lasts for three years. You can enjoy productivity for a longer period and save money because you don't have to change your batteries often.

Don't work your notebook too hard and follow these tips to take care of your battery and you can make your notebook battery last longer and enjoy a longer period of entertainment.


laptop battery longest life

laptop battery longest life

The degrading run-time of notebook batteries may be a thing of the past, without waiting for fuel cells, if Boston Power's Sonata cells live up to their claims.

The rechargeable batteries we use in our laptop computers -- ditto in our mobile phones and many other portable devices -- get marginally better, in terms of product evolution. Compared to the NiCAD and NiMH notebook batteries of yore, they're a noticeable improvement; for example, it's been a while since we've had to worry about the "memory effect" that meant being careful to charge batteries completely, to avoid capacity creep-down.

But compared to what we need, today's Lithium-Ion (LiON) batteries aren't there yet.

They don't hold a full day's charge, or they do at the expense of adding bulk, weight and cost. They don't last as long as the rest of the notebook's components -- even if you don't use them; within a year or less, run-time seriously begins to degrade. And they take too long to charge.

Some consumers remain wary to conduct mobile transactions but perception, reality aren't in sync

And, lithium-ion batteries aren't always safe, and have disposal issues.

One company claiming a better battery -- that is, the chemistry for a better battery -- is ZPower, using silver-zinc, which, according to ZPower, can pack 40% more juice, and be safer to use and dispose of.

However, ZPower doesn't seem to have any actual product yet, despite "This year for sure"-type (with apologies to Bullwinkle T. Moose) claims for the past year or so. The web site doesn't list any products, the latest press release is dated September 2009... even mobile fuel cells have actually come to market ahead of ZPower.

But at least one company has actually delivered product: Boston Power, including its Sonata batteries for use in notebooks and other portable/mobile devices and applications, and Swing batteries "suitable for electric vehicles, industrial equipment, and utility applications."

There aren't as many vendors offering Sonata-type batteries as I'd expect. HP started offering some in early 2009, either as an accessory pack or (for a model sold in Europe) shipped as the standard battery. According to Boston Power, HP offers them, mostly as "the HP Long Life Battery Accessory," with fifteen commercial notebook models.

And Boston Power has just announced a deal with Asus, offering them standard with ASUS B Series notebooks.

Unlike traditional lithium-ion Fujitsu Laptop Battery such as Fujitsu FPCBP80 Battery, Fujitsu FPCBP77 Battery, Fujitsu FPCBP68 Battery, Fujitsu FPCBP63 Battery and Fujitsu FPCBP95 Battery, where run time degrades within two years or even one, says Sally Bament, VP of Marketing, Boston Power, Boston Power's maintain like-new run time for over three years: "Our chemistry guarantees that like-new run time for well over three years, based on cycle life."

Is that really the case? I don't know...but HP and Asus both offer three-year warrantees on the Sonata batteries, guaranteeing performance, according to Bament.

Also, says Bament, "We support 90% charge in 90 minutes, and we can charge even faster, the cell can charge to 80% in 30 minutes."

"There's no question that the longer battery life is important, and so is fast charge, once you have used a notebook long enough where these aren't the case," says analyst Bob O'Donnell, Vice President, Clients and Displays, IDC. "The challenge for Boston Power is that they are a small supplier, and larger vendors like HP often want to second-source, which isn't an option here."

According to Bament, battery capacity, and pricing from Boston Power, are comparative with traditional LiON batteries... although in terms of price, Bament notes, "The vendor may get a premium, with the three year warrantee." (Showing that some computer vendors have studied with the airline industry school of pricing.)

I find it interesting -- and unlikely -- that, if these batteries work as claimed, only HP and Asus have jumped on the electric bandwagon. I'd expect, at minimum, Apple, Lenovo, Dell... well, everybody.

Bament's response: "We have publicly announced Asus and HP at this time."

IDC's O'Donnell's point regarding second-sourcing is a reasonable explanation. I think that if I were running Boston Power, I'd be doing my dangdest to license the heck out of the technology, if need be.

Fortunately and interestingly, the rest of us don't have to wait for the next round of deals. Sonata batteries are available for Lenovo, Dell, Toshiba and other notebooks, not to mention for digital cameras, camcorders, PDAs and more, through Battery-Company.

If you are looking for the best brand new Laptop Battery at the most preferred price, you have come to the right place. Weprovide the highest quality Laptop Batteries for the lowest price with the highest level of service, all in a secure and convenient platform. Our product range include replacement computer batteries for most major laptop brands, including Dell, Apple, Compaq/HP, IBM/Lenovo, Fujitsu, Gateway, Sony and Toshiba.

Sadly, I didn't see Green Series for the netbook or digital camera I wanted to try them with... but I'm tempted to get one for my five-year-old IBM ThinkPad, whose main and secondary batteries no longer hold much of a charge, to say the least.

Anyway, if these batteries really do what they say they do -- granted, it'll take three years to fully test the no-degredation claim, although a year or so will start to tell the tale -- mobile productivity and TCO has just gotten somewhat better.


Toshiba Laptop Battery Life

After purchasing the Toshiba laptop batteries, first you must know that it must be broken before you start a laptop. They have an initial charge of 12-14 hours – and it should be done on the adapter socket – rather than any attackers, including a car adapter.

It does not matter any sign of the charge indicator says a full guard before switching off. It is recommended that you fully charge and discharge a new battery two to four times that she reached maximum capacity. This condition can be fully battery.

In general, this notebook to give up their independence in the first place because of several reasons: firstly to use the second normal aging chemicals. For this reason, regardless of the fact that the advice that your battery will only passes.In overall battery life of laptop, usually for 2-3 years.

Just an ordinary proper care of your laptop battery can absolutely help you make positive changes in how long your battery will last. Here, let me introduce you to some helpful tips for extending battery life to ensure that the Toshiba laptop you maximum benefit out of it.

The very first thing to understand that he lost a bit of it all the time downloading, even if you do not use it. Speed battery is quickly discharged. Therefore, your battery is kept as fresh as possible, the first thing to do.

In addition, use or store the battery in the difficult conditions, including leave your laptop in your car when it is freezing or hot summer time.best keep pace battery is about 15 ° C. In contrast, cooling too much battery life (as, for example, by organizing them in the fridge) the risk of damage it permanently. If the battery will not be used for a long time, he offered to be separated from the machine and placed in a cool, dry, clean place.

Another idea, implement it in the fact that the autonomy of the battery a little slice of each charge cycle. Only that was not shocking, but when you combine it with the previous point, which may include unforeseen consequences: When a user leaves the battery in his plans even let their AC adapter is connected to a socket, the battery his Toshiba laptop is constantly on charge cycles dismissal!

Toshiba battery such as Toshiba PA3107U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3383U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3384U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3285U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3191U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3166U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3331U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3098U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3084U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3399U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3250U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3356U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3291U-1BAS Battery and Toshiba PA3591U-1BAS Battery, which is used in the laptop bits a bit faster than usual because of the heat identified when working with a laptop. As soon as the charge level drops below a fixed amount (different for each manufacturer), an adapter once the battery to the maximum. As the battery ages this cycle of shorter, more rapid deterioration of its autonomy.

Therefore, unless the Toshiba laptop battery, external laptop in the fresh and dry place. Every few weeks, exercise your battery. It's just a natural method that the battery must pass that allows you to save the battery. Toshiba laptop batteries are the product of the first-class design, and should be carefully disposed of to ensure they give you maximum performance and durability in their lifetime.


Read phoneticallyPosle priobreteniya bataryei Toshiba noutbuk, vo-pervyh, fig dolzhny znat, chto ona dolzhna bite narushena v prezhde chem vy nachnete ispolzovat portativnyĭ kompyuter. Oni nuzhdayut · sya o pervuyu zaryadku dvenadtsati do chetyrnadtsati chasov – I ETO dolzhno bite sdelano to adaptere rozetku – skoryee, chemical lyuboĭ drugoĭ zaryadnogo ustroĭstva, takie, kak avtomobilnyĭ adapter. Eto ne vazhno, chto lyuboĭ Lawyer zaryada indicator govorit, zhdat polnaya pered otklyucheniem. Rekomenduet · sya, chtoby polnostyu zaryadit i razryadit Novyi akkumulyator ot 2 do 4 raz on chtoby may dostich svoyeĭ maksimalnoĭ moshchnosti. Eto mozhet polnostyu uslovie bataryei.

Voobshche govorya, nastoyashchiĭ noutbukov otkazatsya ot svoyeĭ avtonomii v pervuyu ochered po prichine neskolkim prichinam: vo-pervyh ispolzovaniya, vo-vtoryh normalnogo stareniya himicheskih materialov. Po etoĭ prichine, nezavisimo ot Togo, chto sovety, kotorye vy budete prinimat Vash akkumulyator nosit budet kak raz passes.In obshchyeĭ zhizni akkumulyatora noutbuk s pomoshchyu, kak pravilo do 2-3 late

Prosto normalnaya nadlezhashchuyu zabotu o noutbuke bataryeya mozhet absolyutno pomogut sdelat polozhitelnye izmeneniya o tom, kak budet dolgo Vasha bataryeya prodolzhatsya a takzhe. Zdes pozvolte MNE predstavit VAM nekotorye poleznye predlozheniya po prodleniyu sroka sluzhby akkumulyatora noutbuka Toshiba dlya obespecheniya vy mozhete vzyat maksimalnuyu vygodu iz etogo.

Samoe pervoe, ponyat chto, chto on teryaet malo zagruzit Yego postoyanno, dazhe yesli vy ne ispolzuete Yego. Podrobnyee temp akkumulyator, bystryee razryazhaet · sya. Poetomu dlya sohraneniya vashyeĭ bataryei, shit svezhie, skolko vozmozhno, pervoe, chto delat nuzhno Battery.

Colleges Togo, daleko ne i ne ispolzuĭte hranite akkumulyator tyazhelyh usloviyah v, v tom chisle ostavit svoĭ portativnyĭ kompyuter v Vashem avtomobile, kogda ona libo vymorazhivaniem Ili o zharkoe leto time.best derzhat bataryei sostavlyaet Temp 15 ° S. okolo V otlichie, dlya ohlazhdeniya slishkom mnogo akkumulyatora (takih shit, based operating systems such as putem organizatsii Yego holodilnik v) riska povredit Yego okonchatelno. Yesli akkumulyator ne budet v ispolzovatsya techenie dlitelnogo vremeni on predlozhil, chtoby bite otdelen mashiny ot i o pomeshchen prohladnom, suhom, chistom Meste.


Laptop Batteries from Toshiba

Laptop Batteries from Toshiba

In this era of electronic gadgets, manufacturers are striving to upgrade the standards of existing products and Toshiba is no exception to that. Toshiba is a world famous electronics producer based in Tokyo, Japan, and manufactures an array of electronic items.

Today laptops have taken over personal computers and are becoming more and more appealing to the common user. Laptops are gaining importance in a world where people are always on-the-go and require technology, information and files at their finger tips. With the new developments being made manufacturers are trying their best to increase the battery life of your system. Imagine a situation where in the middle of a power point presentation meeting your laptop suddenly runs out of charge and you don't have the AC adapter to charge it. To resolve such embarrassing situations Toshiba has come up with a new model of battery for laptops which is best suited for extended use. The Toshiba pa3399u-1bas is compatible with several laptop models.

The pa3399u-1bas weighs less than two pounds and easily fits into any laptop case. These batteries can be charged without the help of the computer itself. They have a run time ranging from five to eight hours, depending on the types of programs being used. In fact, playing games or watching movies drain a lot of power. Today some computer manufacturers are offering the Toshiba battery pack with some of their compatible models. Some of these power sources are supplied with added facilities like car adapters (that do not require any electric source).

There are various ways by which you can extend the life of your Toshiba laptop battery such as Toshiba PA3107U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3383U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3384U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3285U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3191U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3166U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3331U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3098U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3084U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3399U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3250U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3356U-1BAS Battery, Toshiba PA3291U-1BAS Battery and Toshiba PA3591U-1BAS Battery. These are as follows:

1.Whenever you start working with a new power unit make sure it is fully charged.

2.It is better to avoid using digital screen savers with sound effects.This enhances the life of the unit.

3.For extended use it is always advisable to keep the usage of DVD and CD accessories to the minimum possible level.

4.Avoid running scans while performing other tasks.

Generation of heat is one of the major issues of any battery. Toshiba has tried to minimize the generation of heat as much as possible. In doing so the company has developed a particularly new polymer which separates the lithium ion batteries from each other and thus prevent over heating. This new type of polymer is capable of withstanding about 190 degrees of heat, whereas other polymers can stand up to 140 degrees. This will help in preventing electrical problems.


Choice Sony Laptops

The wide new range of laptops is now introduced from the house of Sony. Sony has now gained a lot of popularity among the consumers in accordance with the new needs of consumers. The company is far ahead of its competitors when it comes to electronics goods and manufacturing. Sony Vaio notebooks have created a revolution in the world of laptops. The Sony VAIO - video audio built-in function is the slogan that can be particularly found in the Sony products.

The Sony laptops such as PCGA-BP2V, PCGA-BP4V, PCGA-BP71, VGP-BPL2, VGP-BPS2, VGP-BPS3, VGP-BPS5, VGP-BPS8, VGP-BPS9, PCG-R505, PCG-V505 and PCG-Z505 have its highlights like the usage of the computing products. One can very well say the Sony laptops are one of the leading brands when compared to its counterparts. Sony laptops come with a variety of VAIO models, the Sony VAIO VPCEB 1AGG and the Sony VPCEA16 F G/G are two of its models that are in detail below.

The Sony VAIO VPCEB 1AGG laptop price is Rs 38, 990 to 53, 350 and comes with a genuine windows 7 professional 64-bit. The laptop has a processor name Intel Core i5-520 M processor 2.40 GHz with the Turbo boost of about 2.93 GHz. The laptop for Sony can be preinstalled/max 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM (upgraded to 8GB). This VAIO is available with hard disc drive of 320 GB - serial ATA 5400 dpm, it also comes with graphics accelerator Intel graphics medial accelerator HD. The display of the Sony Laptop is 15.5 wide - WXGA 1366 x 768, TFT color display.

The other VAIO models from Sony are also very exciting and suits all types of needs and requirements. The laptop comes with the latest technology so that you do not have to go in search of the latest and the best. The Sony VPCEA 16F G/G, is another exciting one that comes in attractive colors. You get all the facilities that are a must in this segment.

The Sony laptop VPCEA 16 F G/G is priced from Rs. 56,174 to 57,990 and varies according to the place and the region you live in. the laptop is worth the price. The Sony laptops come with 14 display and 16:9 real wide display. The laptop consists of ATI mobility radeon GPU assures high-resolution gaming video. This is sure to attract many of the consumers. With all the necessary function added to this device, you will find this glossy transparent finish laptop that is overlaying a dot gradation a new fresh and brilliant with vivid images.